
About SSM
Partial List of Services
Common Questions
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Phone: 763-559-1534


Common Questions

How can I improve the safety of my products and workplace?
  • As safety professionals, we have the expertise to recognize existing and potential hazards in your products and in your workplace. Identification is the first step in prevention and/or control of hazards, and a trained eye does make a difference.

  • We can help you select and implement proven, cost-effective corrective action alternatives to prevent and/or control the identified safety hazards. Our experience can also result in some innovative approaches that will save you money and possibly improve your products.

  • We are current on OSHA standards and guidelines, as well as safety industry good practices, and can improve your worker safety and product safety by assisting you comply with those standards and practices applicable to your business.

  • We can quickly customize an effective safety management program for you. This can also include those programs required for compliance with OSHA, such as Hazard Communication, Lockout/Tagout, and Personal Protective Equipment. We can also help you with ANSI standards, NFPA standards, product safety programs, and thorough hazard analysis programs.

How can I improve my bottom line? We have expertise to perform safety management functions and emergency planning management functions more thoroughly and more efficiently than most businesses can themselves. The result is a more effective program for a cost less than the cost of doing it yourself, a direct bottom line improvement. A more effective program will continue to contribute to your bottom line. To find out more on this Email Me.


What is the External Safety Director Program?

It's a comprehensive assortment of professional safety services. This program has been developed to offer your company a structured method for the continual monitoring, management and implementation of safety programs, employee training, and much more, including: